ABQ Mutual Aid -- ABQ Mutual Aid is a coalition of local organizations and individuals working to protect our at-risk community members in New Mexico. https://www.paypal.me/abqmutualaid
The Hook Up -- THU is a collective of abolitionists in solidarity and community with poor and working class drug users, sex workers, people living on the streets, and other marginalized and criminalized community members. https://linktr.ee/thehookup505
Pueblo Action Alliance -- "Pueblo Action Alliance was created in the wake of the Standing Rock movement. Pueblo Camp relatives stood with the Oceti Sakowin relatives to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Upon our return, we visioned to build a Pueblo-centric organization that fights against the white settler colonial power. We embody the revolutionary spirit of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt." www.puebloactionalliance.org/
The Red Nation -- The Red Nation is dedicated to the liberation of Native peoples from capitalism and colonialism. We center Native political agendas and struggles through direct action, advocacy, mobilization, and education. https://therednation.org/about/
Southwest Organizing Project -- SWOP’s mission is to “empower disenfranchised communities in the Southwest United States to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice.” https://www.swop.net/
Abolish APD -- The Abolish APD Collective provides research about police and policing in Albuquerque. We work toward the abolition of police in Albuquerque by conducting 1) Research on police abolition 2) Analysis on the long history and ongoing pattern of police violence in Albuquerque & 3) Research on APD through official APD reports. https://www.abolishapd.org/